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S.A.M. – Yoyaku Instore Session

  • Post Date
    Fri Oct 05 2018

Image via Xiquinho Silva on Flickr under CC licence Attribution 2.0 Generic

Yoyaku is a record shop in Paris that occasionally does Boiler Room style videos of super-cool DJs – more often than not of a minimal style – oh yeah and without the preening idiots. Just the DJ and his/her records.

S.A.M. is a Danish producer and DJ, who has made a plethora of stunningly beautiful minimal tracks in recent years; Brooklyn Nights, Descend To Ascend and Pour Aisha are some of my favourites…that last one is just so good, such a beautiful feel to it – it almost reminds me of my late-90’s trance days in melody. Mostly released on his own Delaphine Records.

This mix is two hours of deep, melodic minimal and house. It tends to get a bit more hypnotic and minimal towards the end – I don’t actually have any particular highlights for the mix, it is just an all-round enjoyable way to spend two hours with your ears.

Enjoyment rating of 7.32.