Mosca & The Analogue Cops, NTS Radio, 12th October 2016
- Post DateFri Jan 19 2018

Image via Roger Marks on Flickr under CC licence Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic
This isn’t easy listening. Sat here hungover (well I was at the time of writing), writing little introductions to some of my favourite DJ sets – this scuttles from one moment of musical oddity/discomfort to another – yet this is beguiling music.
This is actually Mosca’s brilliant NTS radio show but without the talking.
Some occasional urban beats, mix with spaced-out electronic soundscapes, and just plain weirdness – like the track that sounds somewhere between a squeaky door and a drill. Lots of rumblings of bass (probably why I like it so much).
The Analogue Cops hour follows Mosca, and is more of a complete mix – far less obscure and often house.
Not the first time that I have posted a radio show from Mosca, but definitely one of his best. This is inspirational music – but wait until you are in the right mode…hangovers or after-parties are not the place. Probably solo-listening, when you are feeling patient and open-minded.
My enjoyment rating is 8.06.
- Post TagsAnalogue Cops, Bass, Leftfield Techno, Minimal Techno, Mosca, NTS Radio