Jovonn – Steve Bug Presents Play
- Post DateFri Mar 01 2024

Image via Steven Pisano under license CC BY 2.0 DEED
Gosh it’s not even regular enough to be called DJ Mix Of The Month nowadays, but here’s a little write-up of a mix by Jovonn.
This mix from Jovonn is part of Steve Bug’s series, Play. I don’t want to overshadow the excellence of Jovonn, but I’m pretty sure Steve Bug was the first DJ that introduced me to minimal ish music 20 years ago. Back when I lived for the drop and a quadruple vodka, suddenly I found this repetitive music that was totally the opposite…and groovy.
Jovonn is groovy himself – some of his tracks like Turnin Me Out are fire. Perhaps the most obvious one is I Can’t Make Up My Mind – released in 1992, which if you know house music, you very much should know and feel. Note to self – go through Jovonn’s discography as there will be classics I’ve missed no doubt.
As a DJ though, Jovonn has kind of passed me by – he doesn’t seem to have played in the UK/Ibiza much which was the mainstay of my clubbing days.
It probably won’t surprise you to hear that this is 2 hours of house music only. Deeper house at times, occasionally with some soulful vocals – but house music through and through it is.
Minor downside is that he seemed to get a little too trigger-happy with the faders through some of the tracks…kind of annoying but maybe it worked live. But on the flip side, he plays Cinthie’s remix of Brawn by JVXTA which is just one of the happiest tracks in the world…alas faders a bit again.
This mix isn’t going to change your life – it’s really good house music, and it gets better and deeper as it goes on – almost as if Jovonn settles into it more. But it has errors and annoyances too…at least to me.
Enjoyment rating of 6.80.