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Joseph Capriati – Resident Advisor Podcast 563

  • Post Date
    Fri Jul 28 2017

Joseph Capriati is long someone that I had written off as a vastly over-rated DJ. Despite not seeing him. As you do.

I think I just associated him too closely with Marco Corola who truly is an abysmally dull tech-house DJ (and exceptionally popular so clearly your opinionated author knows fuck all).

So I’m delighted to be able to say that I was wrong.

The mix started off decently, but I wasn’t paying too much attention – then the opening strings of Ricardo’s remix of Relax Your Body kicked in – I almost wanted to cry. I had forgotten the track name at first but it soon came to me – either way those squelchy beats were always Ricardo’s.

Then it slowly gets back into gear, casually grinding up to the climax, which is Quazar by The Nightshift – what a way to finish too.